Yoga studios go through a lot of water...there's no denying it. Doing something good for your body comes with a necessity to keep it hydrated as well. Besides offering filtered water here at the Wellington studio for students to fill their own vessels, Life water is sold here (the bottle is made from plants and will compost somewhere between 4 days and 8 weeks, depending on the composting temperature! Pretty cool, huh?)
This is available outside of Moore Wilsons Market. Pure local artesian water for you to fill your own container. What you may not be able to read in the photo is the smaller type which states that a voluntary donation of one dollar is suggested and the proceeds go directly to the Wellington Free Ambulance.
Did you know that not that long ago gas stations would charge people if they needed air or water for their vehicle? Someone (in a few states anyway) came along and decided that these two things were vital for the safety of drivers in an emergency, thereby making it illegal to charge for either of these two necessities.
It's important enough to be free for our vehicles.
My hunch is it should be important enough to be free for every person on the planet as well.